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Re: Winmodem? IN 2024!

Cool. What are some pots providers? I'm making assumptions here but if you're indeed in the US, most of that infrastructure is gone. Now, totally realizing that I am on vogons right now, this dial-up exercise may be one of exceptional frustration and very limited upside. If your goal is to perhaps …

Re: Winmodem? IN 2024!

Cool I'll have to look into this stuff and learn about it some more In the meantime is there an easier way to connect an old pc to the interwebs? What would I need? There are many conflicting ideas on how or even _whether_ you should do this. My opinion is that Windows 98 for example is no longer a …

Re: Winmodem? IN 2024!

So, short answer, it is possible, although it's a pretty big pain in the ass these days as you might expect. Over VoIP, you can indeed make a modem work, with very specific settings on the ATA (Linksys PAP2, or similar, for example) - disabling for instance any kind of compression algorithms on the …

Re: NAS for retro stuff

in Milliways
OK, but how much memory does that XFS occupy? My point is: I can load Microsoft Network Client and connect to modern Linux with Samba, copy files around, but... then I need to reboot to free the memory. The Client occupies so much RAM that's pretty much impossible to normally use the system. So I'm …

Re: NAS for retro stuff

in Milliways
Hey this is great, nicely done (and documented!). I found retro tech to bring the same joy for sure, whether it be a reminder of my early career racking and stacking brand new Dell PowerEdge 1650's, or just simply more fun than fighting with SaaS solutions and arguing with cloud service providers …

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