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Re: Scariest pc game you played

Scariest ever: Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul (VR) Virtual reality haunted house game based on the movies of the same name. Combines atmospheric dread with well placed jump scares. Also, it's the first time I've tried physically punching a video game character in self-defense. Still haven't …

Re: Is Blood PC game worth getting?

I enjoyed the game; it's probably my favorite of the Build-engine games. It's got some interesting environments and weapons. That said, I don't think I'd pay more than 15-20 dollars for it if I were to buy a physical copy. You can also grab it from GOG for only 5 bucks with expansion packs included: …

Re: Oh F*ck this Noise (newest Micro$oft cash grab)

I have office 97, which has a flight simulator tucked in as an Easter egg. Is that really necessary? In a competitive environment, that wouldn't happen. Not sure I agree with that. Easter eggs in software has always been a thing and I've seen no indication they are dependent on competition or lack …

Re: Was GM a thing in the 486 era?

I believe it was mostly 1993 and onward where General MIDI was more supported in games (esp. since the GM standard only came out in 1991). Games like X-Wing, Doom, MOO, Sam & Max, all released in 1993 and had GM support. Can't think of any off hand pre-1993 that had GM support...


I have an OLED laptop at work. While the display is quite nice, it does suffer from image retention. This has put me off getting an OLED display for personal use.

Re: How much $ did you spend in Steam?

And in the case of online DRM, I can't stomach the thought of losing access to media I ostensibly own just because the distributor decided to pull the plug for whatever reason. This is why I view digital distribution as an extended rental rather than "owning" anything. And especially so with gaming …

Re: Roland CM-300 vs SC-55

When you speak of accuracy, it sounds like you're referring to two different ideas. There is technical accuracy (i.e. how well a unit implements a certain MIDI specification). And then there is compositional accuracy of the musical reproduction with respect to how it was originally composed. For the …

Re: Good shoot em ups up to 1991?

Zaxxon was ported to PC (early 80's I believe). It was an isometric shooter. Not as frenetic as your typical shmup, but it had a unique perspective and ability to fly up and down, in addition to left and right.

Re: Was it common to use a hintbook in 90s?

I'm picking up most of the items alright, chatting my way through all the dialog trees and trying the usual mix and match with people/inventory. But for the most part it just doesn't feel like my deeds advance the game in any substantial way. So I checked with the hintbook and would certainly never …

Re: Was it common to use a hintbook in 90s?

BTW, the first hint books I remember buying when I was in 7th grade were for Infocom games. They were called InvisiClues and were printed in invisible ink. Came with a marker that revealed progressively more detailed clues depending on how much help you needed. Brilliant idea that as far as I know …

Re: What do you call this music style?

There's a music genre called Outrun (aka Synthwave) named so after the 80's arcade game and based on retro-80's style synthesizer music. Although while a lot of 80's game music tended to be faster paced and have more melodic jazzy/rock aspects, I find a lot of modern synthwave tends to be slower and …

Re: SC-88 in SC-55 map mode - exactly the same?

To get the same sound as an SC-55, you must enable SC-55 compatibility mode . I've posted the infos on how to do that here . In my testing, switching the SC-88 Pro to SC-88 compatibility mode w/ the SC-55 map doesn't make it sound like a real SC-55. It just sounds like an SC-88 with the SC-55 map. …

Re: PC vs Console: An Old-Timer's Perspective

While I agree that limiting saves in an FPS games is usually bollocks, can't really say the same for every game. Survival horror games for example would seriously lose a lot of their impact if I was mashing that F5 button all the time. ^ This. How the game saves can have a dramatic impact on how it …

Re: Roland D110

If you want a "Sound Canvas" substitute, then you probably need to look for a general midi logo on the front panel as a minimum. And all of the Roland gm synths are probably called "Sound Canvas" anyway. So basically, if you want a sound canvas substitute from a random manufacturer then you want a …

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