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Re: improved graphic for promotional use...

in DOSBox General
That's much better ! Only thing giving me a small headache is the bluish background gradient. But I guess that's up to individual taste... And I agree with Dosfreak and avatar_58. Lining out DOSBox's real features rather than the bugfixes would make more sense. (Who needs bugfixes when there are …

Re: improved graphic for promotional use...

in DOSBox General
Just some of my thougts about it: I would recommend using the same sizes for the screenshots. It looks a bit messy like it is now. The font for the feature text is very blurry and quite hard to read. Try using a crisper anti-aliasing on them. Also the big texts on the bottom of the graphic are a bit …

Re: New DOSBox Frontend - DOSBoxGui

in DOSBox General
Hooray! DOSBox 0.65 is out! And I'm just taking a look at the new features. While doing this I realized that there was still something left to fix in the DOSBoxGui, which I just did. It was a small glitch rendering the gui useless on some Windows systems. Get DOSBoxGui 0.5.3!

Re: New DOSBox Frontend - DOSBoxGui

in DOSBox General
Version 0.5.1 is out - a bugfixing release: on Linux systems please consider that there's an issue when running dosboxgui.tcl without the path. So instead of running "./dosboxgui.tcl" please use "~/pathToDosboxgui/dosboxgui.tcl" instead. Will get this fixed soon hopefully. Get it here .

Re: New DOSBox Frontend - DOSBoxGui

in DOSBox General
Got some new features in heavy development: http://static.flickr.com/29/97234441_1580bdaa1e_o.jpg A dosbox.conf is now dynamically created with the launch of every game. So you can directly store settings like Cpu cycles or output and scalers directly in the game's profile. Well, isn't that sweet ? …

Re: New dosbox Frontend - dosboxGui

in DOSBox General
Ooops, last version contained some severe bugs. Got them fixed now in version 0.3a. Oh, and got Windows XP support working, well almost... Will need 1-2 days to have it working. And basic support for language files is on the way, so dosboxGui can be easily translated into other languages - English …

Re: New dosbox Frontend - dosboxGui

in DOSBox General
Just uploaded a new version (dosboxGui 0.3) You can now create profiles for your games/executables and save them for later use. Pretty convenient I would say ^_^ As I'm currently pretty satisfied with the features of dosboxGui I'll try to focus on portability. Already did some tests on WinXP and …

Re: New dosbox Frontend - dosboxGui

in DOSBox General
Hmm, there doesn't seem to be toooo much interest in a TCL frontend 😉 But developments are still going on... Basic support for game profiles is now available. Will post a new version of the TCL file when it's stable. Attached is a shot of the latest version.

Re: New dosbox Frontend - dosboxGui

in DOSBox General
Did a lot of code clean up and added some features: -language file selection -choose the destination of the dosbox executable via the menu Things to come: -save default settings like: default directories etc. -create possibilty to create profiles for executables -add more options (like cpu cycles …

New DOSBox Frontend - DOSBoxGui

in DOSBox General
Now there's some more info on the DOSBoxGui Wiki Hi there, as I wasn't able to find a decent dosbox frontend that runs on my new and shiny Ubuntu Linux I decided to create my own. Here's a screenshot: http://static.flickr.com/29/97234441_1580bdaa1e_o.jpg It's coded in Tcl/Tk (see http://en.wikipedia …

Re: Dosxbox - A xbox port of dosbox

in DOSBox General
dosXbox is just amazing. Great thing to play Commander Keen on your TV sitting relaxed on your couch. It's even no hassle to map keyboard keys to Joypad buttons. Only drawback: The UI in general is a bit tricky. But it gets the job done. If you own an XBOX, you should definately give it a try.

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