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Re: Whats the most rare piece of hardware you own?

A fully working IBM Thinkpad A22p with the IBM Dock II (the one with the extra PCI slot). I restored it to perfect condition, I even got lucky and was able to buy a new keyboard for it. These machines aren't easy to find, due to the ADP3421 chip failure. The chip can be replaced, but I guess most …

Re: How to have fun

I only have one system (and quite a bit of spare parts to mod it occasionally). One separate desk with lots of Sidewinder gear in the drawers, one old 4:3 screen and the PC itself. It's nice to tinker around in that small area and I actively use the machine to play old games. I have a lot of fun, …

Re: Suicidal behaviour: Going into Windows 11

The Serpent Rider wrote on 2024-10-14, 03:30: outside of some production stuff like Adobe. I got Photoshop CC 2021 to run on wine a few months ago, which is a pretty recent version that can open most .psd files. Maybe wine will improve more in the near future and we can use modern releases of that, …

Re: The Internet Archive has been hacked

That's true, they've only recently added that sentence to the website. But suuure, they're probably making billions from hosting old CD images, constantly dealing with politically motivated attacks and getting a few bucks of support for it...

Re: Voodoo 2 SLI in tandum with ATI 9800 pro

I don't have DLL errors, but when I pair my 9600XT with two V2's on a fast Tualatin system, 3Dfx games just won't launch. Either they immediately close or they keep running (without any output) and the system gets visual corruption (for example, when opening the start menu). The only driver that …

Re: The Internet Archive has been hacked

It's official now: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/internet-archive-hacked-data-breach-impacts-31-million-users/ Internet Archive's "The Wayback Machine" has suffered a data breach after a threat actor compromised the website and stole a user authentication database containing 31 …

The Internet Archive has been hacked

There isn't much information out yet because it just happened, but apparently, archive.org's website has been defaced. The website is currently offline, but it looks like our credentials have been stolen. I guess it's time for a password change when it comes back. There's an ongoing discussion on …

Re: Abit VH6T IDE

My VH6T is very stable after recapping it and it works well with a 1.4GHz Tualatin. So it must be a problem with your specific board. I’m wondering if this is one of those rare cases where I’ve replaced a high ESR cap with a low ESR cap and it actually matters. For reference, here I've listed the …

Re: What game are you playing now?

I'm finally able to play Jedi Survivor, because EA released a version for the PS4 which works very smoothly. Their PC port is an absolute mess (even with the latest update) and I constantly get freezes and stuttering, because the game can't precompile shaders... Typical EA quality, I guess. It's a …

Re: What old video game fan sites are still up?

I actually run one - the fansite for the Independence War games from Particle Systems. "I-War" and " Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos" are not-that-well-known space pirate simulation games with Newtonian physics. Although the site has been upgraded and somewhat modernized by me, all of the old …

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