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Re: Other hobbies?

in Milliways
Oof that's a hard fate. Did the burned shell / body parts of the Camaro at least carry some value for others or was it a complete loss/written off? I don't want to sound rude but as a European it was always a mystery to me why people in California can live with that level of relaxation over there. …

Re: What were your defining moments in computer history?

in Milliways
Windows 95 3dfx Voodoo/Voodoo2 Both were milestones that paved the way for the classic PC into even the last households and decent looking games finally became a reality. Playing games in 1024x768 (with Z-Buffer deactivated obviously) in early 1998 was just mindblowing at the time and put every …

Re: Any others given up on the hobby?

in Milliways
Finally, there are collector/hoarders who are more about satisfying impulses than anything. Believe it or not, most people on Vogons are actually in the last category, IMO. It is my strong impression that the vast majority of users in here is more interested in tinkering around with old hardware …

Re: Intel smashes Ryzen

in Milliways
Has this forum become a troll bait? When do you guys realize that Robertmo and Intel486dx33 are just trolls who aren't even remotely interested in having a conversation or discussion? Their only goal and intention is to provoke, trigger and troll everyone with statements which are (mostly) …

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