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Re: gamespeed

If you mean the message scrolling speed, you can change that in game using > (speed up) and < (slow down) Thanks. The message scrolling speed is important and I didn't know there was a separate control for it. What I was really concerned about when I wrote this was Spell Point regeneration which …

Re: gamespeed

When the game is windowed, rather than fullscreen, there's a readout of the number of cycles. When I press Ctrl-F12, I see the number of cycles increasing but nothing changes in the game. It still takes 30 seconds to regenerate a spell point whether it's at 3,000 cycles or 4,000 cycles or 6,000 or …

Re: gamespeed

That's funny. I actually found the Dosbox Options file and thought it might have our config settings. So I right-clicked and chose "edit with notepad++," but all that comes up is one line of nonsense. But when you double left click on it, you get the settings. So I changed cycles to 'fixed 3000' and …

Re: gamespeed

Thanks, guys. I looked and there's no .config file in the dosbox folder. So I copied one I use for another program and dropped it into the folder. I don't think it worked. It definitely add the functionality I want to the game. I'm pretty sure it's possible to speed it up because some of the …


I'm playing the original Bard's Tale in a DosBox emulator on a Windows 10 machine. I want to be able to speed up the game, so I can skip over waiting parts. I think Crtl-F12 should do that, increasing the cycles of the emulator or something. But I tried it in-game and it didn't seem like anything …

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