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Re: Printing from DOSBox

Without knowing what steps you have taken or what results you are seeing, the best anyone here can do is randomly guess. Here is what is in the conf file: [printer] printer=true dpi=360 width=85 height=110 #cox #printoutput=PNG printoutput=PRINTER multipage=false docpath=. timeout=1000 [parallel] …

Re: Printing from DOSBox

Here is a different wrinkle: I installed Windows 3.1 inside of DosBox and amazingly it works! Now I am having trouble printing. I am running Quattro Pro for windows in Windows 3.1 but can't figure out how to print. I am already using DOSBox SVN-Daum, but there is some essential step that I am …

Re: Icons at the bottom right of the DOSBOX screen

It's nice to know that the icons aren't from Dosbox, although if anyone can give a hint as to their origins I would appreciate it. Hovering over the icons or right clicking them yields no useful information. Although I will look into vDosPlus out of curiosity, what's the harm of running my program …

Icons at the bottom right of the DOSBOX screen

I am running DOSBOX in Windows 10 and my 33 year old pascal program runs perfectly. However, there are 2 icons at the bottom right corner of the screen, a microphone and a "refresh" circle. Filename DosBox.png File size 9.43 KiB Views 1046 views What are they for and can I suppress them? Thanks!

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