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Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

I prefer blower type GPUs and remove fan. Make shroud duct and use a larger blower. This will generate more pressure with less rpm and less noise. I'll find out once I have all the goodies in the future. Note, not all blower fans are equal, majority of these on ebay and others are low pressure even …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

I avoid Samsung like I avoid Apple, for doing crap totally their own way and "improving" on standards, or as rational people say, breaking them. ... also don't trust Samsung for SD card issues, I know half a dozen people that have had samsungs corrupt cards on them. uSe a qUaLitY cArD they say, …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

Micron 1100 2TB can be had inexpensively, but the wear is open question. Should had waited for Samsung S8 or S9 and put it on protective film and cheap case. Still rocking my S8 bought refurbished, and was me who refurbished that one 4 years ago for sale and wanted it so bought it at work. Or apple …

Re: Bought this (Modern) hardware today

Micron 1100 2TB can be had inexpensively, but the wear is open question. Should had waited for Samsung S8 or S9 and put it on protective film and cheap case. Still rocking my S8 bought refurbished, and was me who refurbished that one 4 years ago for sale and wanted it so bought it at work. Or apple …

Re: IBM 8513 bad color purity

8513 ages badly due to awful CRT quality, and another possibility the CRT shadow mask was knocked out of alignment. Shadow mask with frame is designed to be snapped into glass pegs with electrical connection to HV or ground, I forgot, on front glass plate, this was removed and installed several …

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