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Interstate 76 is suddenly just not working for me at all.

in Windows
I have the GOG version, managed to get it to work in the past with DxWnd but now it just straight up goes to a black screen and crashes to desktop. I don't know what caused this, I'm on Windows 10 and had a recent update to my graphics drivers and OS so maybe that did something but I'm not sure. I'm …

Issue with dgVoodoo and F-22 Lightning 3 on Windows 10

in Windows
I've been using dgVoodoo with F-22 Lightning 3 and it seems to work good as opposed to just using nGlide because for whatever reason with the latter it runs the game in fullscreen but with a window border and 1920x1080 is cut off, problem is with 1920x1080 resolution in dgVoodoo the performance …

Re: Trying to make Interstate '76 work with DxWnd

in Windows
DxWnd resolution, I'll try increasing it Edit: tried that, it made the problem worse. At 640x480 I can highlight the menu options almost dead on but at 1200x900 I have to have the mouse several hundreds of pixels away from a menu option for it to highlight

Re: Trying to make Interstate '76 work with DxWnd

in Windows
This is the GOG version, I'll try your config. It did work for me recently when I reinstalled the game, but the mouse was misaligned in the menus in windowed mode so I'd have to move it just above the options to be able to click on them. Edit: Your config works alright, I just still have the weird …

Re: Trying to make Interstate '76 work with DxWnd

in Windows
This is the GOG version, I'll try your config. It did work for me recently when I reinstalled the game, but the mouse was misaligned in the menus in windowed mode so I'd have to move it just above the options to be able to click on them. Edit: Your config works alright, I just still have the weird …

Re: Sega Rally 2 music issue with inmm on Windows 10

in Windows
I get this error when I launch with those settings, and CD Audio doesn't work with the disc mounted on a virtual drive. https://i.imgur.com/Ing517U.png Select Acquire admin caps in the configuration. That actually fixed the sound issue, thanks! Now I have the proper timing for it and it's running …

Re: Sega Rally 2 music issue with inmm on Windows 10

in Windows
Try using DxWnd. It is currently the most advanced CDA emulator. It also has a IOCTL mode which doesn't require MCI and can emulate the music entirely correct like old systems but has some delays at present. For you work, this may help I attempted this, but it doesn't work. Named all of the .wav …

Sega Rally 2 music issue with inmm on Windows 10

in Windows
I managed to get SR2 working recently and put the inmm patch in for the CD music. However, there is this weird issue where the music is delayed by several seconds, and for a while I thought the patch had not worked. It's especially noticeable in arcade mode where the announcer will say "3!" and then …

Re: Heavy Gear 1 errors on Windows 7

in Windows
The person who got it working installed the 1.1 patch, which I tried but it still threw up errors. They used DXWnd too to force window mode but I'm guessing that would assume that the game runs properly first.

Heavy Gear 1 errors on Windows 7

in Windows
I've noticed someone has been able to get the first HG game running on modern Windows with some tweaks via Youtube, but every single time I start the game it gives me two errors: http://i.imgur.com/5UXjq4q.png http://i.imgur.com/8Kad80L.png I have tried the game on PCem and it worked fine, but I'm …

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