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Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

PS: Unlike the ROMs used on 01 board which are Roland branded and soldered on. And good luck finding those masked ROMs in case it fails (not because of it's limited lifespan but for different reason - ie. ESD when you are fiddling inside of the MT-32). So 00 revision definitely has a big advantage …

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

Any way to tell whether the ROMs are OTP or MASK Roms ? EDIT: Without decapping them You can usually guess based on the part number and or company logo on the package. ie. if the chip is branded 'Roland' with a proprietary part number it is probably a Mask ROM. If it is branded AMD or NEC, etc. and …

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

OTP ROMs were just cheaper. OTP EPROMs are identical to UV erasable EPROMs, just they don't have the window to let in UV light. The data will still be corrupted over time. Also it takes a long time for UV EPROMs with exposed window in direct sunlight to be "erased" (hours if not days) and I'm not …

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

darry wrote on 2020-05-03, 19:57: The reason I want to use EEPROMs instead of EPROMs is that I would rather not have to buy a UV light source to erase them first (can you even still get new blank EPROMs?). Ahh, I understand.

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

What EEPROMs could I use to replace the EPROMS in mine ? You got me thinking of getting one of those TL866 programmers, dumping the original ROMs and writing them to EEPROMs . You wouldn't what to use EEPROMs. The MT-32 has no capability or use case to write to the firmware ICs. The correct EPROMs …

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

neither is more desireable than the other. mask roms just means you cant erase and reprogram them. I have an 00, it has 1.07. In this case, mask ROMs are definitely superior to EPROMs. The data stored in EPROMs will be corrupted over time. It takes seconds/minuets when exposed to UV light or …

Re: MT-32 motherboard revisions?

BloodyCactus wrote on 2020-05-03, 12:32: no, the 01 was made to reduce the cermiac PGA roland chip to a QFP chip. Roger. In that case I'd say the revision 01 is slightly more desirable (it has mask ROMs for the version 1.07 firmware).

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