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Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Just did some classic racing tonight. Fired up my Windows 98 SE VM on my iPad, courtesy of UTMapp, started Grand Prix 3. I chose to drive the Williams Mecachrome at Silverstone. Qualified P5 and won the race. Nice memories from playing that game as a kid. And no need of these so called modern tricks …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

@TheGreatCodeholio: I noticed that litchie from iDOS/DOSPad app for iOS might be open to having a look on DOSBox-X or SVN latest version for updating his iDOS emulator app. Not sure if you'd be interested in working with him to bring the best possible DOS/Win9x emulation to iOS/iPadOS, since now …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

@TheGreatCodeholio: I noticed that litchie from iDOS/DOSPad app for iOS might be open to having a look on DOSBox-X or SVN latest version for updating his iDOS emulator app. Not sure if you'd be interested in working with him to bring the best possible DOS/Win9x emulation to iOS/iPadOS, since now the …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
In macOS, you can remap any menu command in any application to any keyboard shortcut. For example, I have "Paste" remapped to Cmd+Shift+V and "Paste as text" remapped to Cmd+V globally so I don't have to deal with stupid formatting when copying and pasting stuff. I have remapped image size and …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
I really can't understand why people keep referring to macOS as a "walled garden" — you are not required to get your software from the Mac App Store, you can download/install anything you want, you can write and run your own applications/console programs/scripts using free tools available from …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
I hope you at least realize that you are part of a small minority (even on VOGONS), and probably a trivial minority when it comes to the wide world. Using monikers like "Winblows" also does not make your fringe opinion any funnier or more relevant. It wasn't me who used that moniker, but other user …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
You see it as a “you are trapped in their walled garden”, but I see it more like “I’m safe in their walled garden”. Stockholm syndrome at its best I'm afraid. Funny. I get it. But what I was actually saying is that their walled garden does work as intended for me daily. And this is all that matters …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
I have nothing against linux, in fact I tend to like a bit how things are done in distros like Ubuntu or ElementaryOS. Mint, Manjaro, to name a few more, are interesting too. Some offer an option to have a desktop similar to macOS or Windows so people coming from these OS can adapt and I actually …

Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
Mobile operating systems and apps suddenly changing how things work for no reason. "Oh hey, you've been swiping left to close that window for the last 3 years? I bet that got boring, let's make it swipe down instead! Oh, and we'll change it to something else randomly in a year or so, just to keep …

Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
What was the point of the "Give us feedback!" surveys on YouTube if Google/YouTube ultimately doesn't care about the feedback and goes ahead with changing things that did not require changes? Why does nobody follow "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? If the reason is "I won't have a job if I …

Re: Technological critique

in Milliways
The only tech critique I have to say is about hearing aids and how they work with other technologies. Specifically, I am talking about cochlear implants, I have one for my right ear since 2007. If I want to listen to music or something else (like a phone call) with noise cancellation, I need to use …

Re: Apple is getting off Intel CPU’s ?

in Milliways
Meanwhile, Intel is restructuring their leadership team following their announcement of 7nm delays; one chief executive is out. And AMD had an increase of 26% in revenue compared to the same period last year. Put it all together with Apple going for ARM... Intel is pretty much screwed these days.

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