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Re: Maxigamer Voodoo2 Repair questions

Unfortunately no history, it was given to me along with a bunch of other cards that pretty much are all functional. It is a 12mb voodoo2 with 12 chips (only chips on one side, back of card is bare), instead of the more normal (in my experience) 24 chips. So the memory chips are 512kx16 instead of …

Maxigamer Voodoo2 Repair questions

I was recently given this Voodoo2 with a very blown memory chip. Outside of the very obvious chip that is blown, I do not see any other physical damage (but my very tired eyes may deceive me, so asking second opinions here.) Should I replace all 4 chips in that bank? or would it be enough to replace …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Just a note, not all the "complaints" are because of dislike of the redesign.. there are legitimate concerns as well WRT eyestrain and headaches, I am not the only one who had issues with that. I couldnt look at the site for more than about 2 minutes before I was on the verge of a migraine.. the old …

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Switching to Old School color scheme made it so I dont get headaches when viewing the forums anymore at least. Not a fan of the theme in general, and I find myself browsing the site a lot less recently because of the theme, but I am but a low post count introvert so not much will be lost.

Re: Welcome to the updated VOGONS

in Milliways
Found it finally, its under color scheme. I thought it was a theme/etc. Was looking in the wrong place 🤣 Better now, at least I dont get a headache within 2 minutes of trying to do any actual reading now.

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