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Re: Help needed in fixing a graphics card

I wouldn't say that type of RAM is particularly known for going bad... so check solder on all pins... if good and shiny and nothing cracked off the board, consider that it might be a symptom of the power supply to the RAM being not as good as it should be somehow, either noise/filtering or lower …

Re: Weren't sound artists frustrated to know that very few players would be hearing the true sound of their creations?

My perception of the situation is that prior to about 1997 many of them would be totally amazed that what they were creating would be seen as enduring art, maybe being gobsmacked that these geeks paid out in real money to put some plinky plonky stuff on kiddie games, but hey, at least it's not …

Re: What is the LAST 5 DOS Game ever made for DOS?

If you sort on Moby by DOS releases descending by year you get 5 pages before you're even to the 90s. However, to narrow the definition to commercially released game software that was not a compilation or re-release I think you are better off starting at 1999 https://www.mobygames.com/platform/dos/ …

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