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Re: Far Cry

Interesting... I haven't heard of this before (but then again, I didn't even beat the tutorial!), sounds like another interesting problem. Do you know if it's exclusive to ATI/AMD cards? And how far in the game do I need to get to unlock binoculars?

Re: Far Cry

The Godfather article was the reason I created this blog! It was meant to be posted elsewhere, but it got turned down as "too long and too technical" - so I created my own blog instead! Looks like it was good choice. Soon I'll have even more insightful articles since I got involved in an official re …

Re: Far Cry

Hey, it took much more time + trial and error than I expected, but I now released a Build 2 which definitely works fine on Windows 7! https://github.com/CookiePLMonster/SilentPatchFarCry/releases It was such hell though... even version.dll loads differently on Windows 7 than it does on Windows 10, …

Re: Far Cry

Oh, I see now. I expected 64-bit version to load dbghelp.dll from game directory if it's placed here - but if it's not, then it's really bad.

Re: Far Cry

If I place dbghelp in game directory then both will load it from here, and not system32 directory. That also means I need to update SPFC.asi not to apply patches when dbghelp is loaded by a Configurator... This all sucks so bad.

Re: Far Cry

For the x32 version, version.dll is loaded from \Windows\System32 directory. dbghelp.dll is loaded from the Bin32 directory. So it is a viable solution. Indeed, I want to try out dbghelp.dll! I think the one shipped by the game is stock so I can safely overwrite it and rely on system32 one. Another …

Re: Far Cry

Good! Then that hopefully means dbghelp is a viable candidate for an ASI Loader - then again, I thought the same of version.dll 😒

Re: Far Cry

Also, another thing to be considered, dbghelp.dll is only present in the Bin32 directory(the x32 version), not also in the Bin64 one. That's even better! dbghelp they ship with the game is probably nothing special and Windows already ships it, plus both 32-bit and 64-bit versions use. I can most …

Re: Far Cry

Yeah, I have observed same since then - again, only on 7 and not 10. dbghelp is not supported by this DLL yet though, I'll try to find some time to do it soon and hopefully it'll work fine then. version.dll seems to break the configurator badly, too...

Re: Far Cry

Though I found EVEN MORE issues with version.dll... I need to try dbghelp, overwriting the one shipped with the game since it is already in Windows so they didn't need to include it. It's a nightmare and it's because the game is split into so many DLLs... Otherwise dinput8 would have worked like in …

Re: Far Cry

Hey, I haven't had a chance to test this on Windows 7 yet, but it should work on 7, 8.1 and 10 this time! https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2iwqi0oyk3wwl3/SPFC-r2.zip?dl=0 wininet.dll can be removed - now version.dll is used to load. Please let me know if that works, if it does I'll re-release the patch in …

Re: Far Cry

Just like I suspected after the VS2017 test, on a Windows 10 system with the dvd retail version of Far Cry 1.32 x64 the landmass reflection works. I forgot checking v-sync but it probably should work too. Theoretically it should work on Windows 8 and 8.1 too. Unfortunately on Windows 7 it doesn't. …

Re: Far Cry

Noticed some other thing: the asi loader is built on 8.1 SDK. Both files from SilentPatch seem to be compatible with Windows Vista and higher. Don't know about the code. Yes that's intended, despite the name those SDKs support everything back to Vista. So it works fine, but what happens if you run …

Re: Far Cry

Does your loader need some latest version of runtime libraries(like latest .NET version) in order to work? Actually, do you have enough experience to be able to compile Ultimate ASI Loader on your own, run it with Far Cry and then possibly see if anything goes wrong? I'm so out of ideas so this …

Re: Far Cry

I must say the loading times seem very expanded by wininet injection :D Pretty sure that's VSync. Injection itself doesn't affect performance at all.? LOADING TIMES of the starting screen/menu. That shouldn't be the case, though. It's only loading screens which will naturally be slower because they …

Re: Far Cry

It's actually not my loader, but an Ultimate ASI Loader - and as far as I'm aware, it doesn't have any external dependencies. Should any be missing, I guess you'd be notified about missing DLL files anyway. Renaming the DLL to other names only shows it can be loaded - it's expected to fail, as …

Re: Far Cry

I must say the loading times seem very expanded by wininet injection :D Pretty sure that's VSync. Injection itself doesn't affect performance at all. CrySystem.dll CryNetwork.dll MFC71.DLL they all load statically WININET.dll. In which case my wininet.dll should be loaded... I am slowly running out …

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