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Re: Later AGP GeForce cards and Windows 98

Conversely, when it comes to GPUs, a little later can often be better. The drivers for nvidia and ATI took some time to fully mature. I have had a lot of success with geforce FX series cards. Geforce 4 is another good choice. When it comes to compatibility though, pretty hard to do better than a …

Re: Later AGP GeForce cards and Windows 98

As fun as is it to use an i7 and a PCIE GPU on windows 98, when it comes to actually using the system to do more than run benchmarks, I can't say that I recommend it. I have a ASRock quad core dual-vsta and while it technically works, and I can get easily 300+ fps in quake III benchmark, I have run …

Re: Is there anybody left on this forum that still has an AM5x86 that will do 200mhz?

What would those chips be good for? I mean you would be able to benchmark a very fast 486 but then what? Games that need faster CPUs can be run on a Pentium or better. Even later games will require additional instructions and at some point the CPU is so restricted by bus bandwidths that increasing …

Re: Command & Conquer Remaster 2D 4k gameplay

Is it just me, or do the units look like their animation is half as fluid as in the original from 1995...? I sincerely hope for them that this is heavily WIP, and that more of half of the animation frames are still missing. Looks like "Army Men go C&C" I think they have the same number , it is just …

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