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Re: Bought these (retro) software/OS today

in Milliways
I envy that copy of OS/2 2.1. I have two copies of Warp 3 and one of 4 but no copies of 2.x :( They seem to, strangely, pop up in the Minneapolis area. I have seen multiple boxed copies up there. I don't live in the US unfortunately, and OS/2 was kind of a rarity in Europe.. I'm sorry to hear that, …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
Started playing Turok: Dinosaur Hunter . Collected all the keys in level 1; now I'm going crazy trying to find the 2nd key in level 2 🤕 Game for now is ok: graphically is really good, considering it's from 1997. Gameplay is good, but I'm not liking the platforming sections and the confusing level …

Re: Bought these (retro) software/OS today

in Milliways
appiah4 wrote on 2024-09-05, 12:55: I envy that copy of OS/2 2.1. I have two copies of Warp 3 and one of 4 but no copies of 2.x 🙁 They seem to, strangely, pop up in the Minneapolis area. I have seen multiple boxed copies up there.

Re: Bought these (retro) software/OS today

in Milliways
ncmark wrote on 2024-08-28, 23:51: Always has a certain fascination with OS/2 even through I never ran it. It's like an alternate history that might have been It's usable. That's about it. Especially the version I no have a copy of. A majority of the software that is available for OS/2 requires …

Re: Bought these (retro) software/OS today

in Milliways
Well, I had quite the fortuitous vacation. I managed to come away with some rather interesting stuff from the late 90s. First was a copy of specifically Windows 3.0. IMG_3816.jpg IMG_3815.jpg Sure, the box isn't in the best of shape but who am i to complain about an effectively complete copy of …

Re: Bought these games today

in Milliways
I recently went on vacation, and managed to pick up a few things. Somehow, only one of them was a game. IMG_3814.jpg Sure, it doesn't say it's Microsoft Flight Simulator , but it is. With the exception of the Macintosh, the versions of this sim that weren't on the IBM PC were just called Flight …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I have once again fallen down the Guild Wars 2 hole, and have almost five pieces of legendary armor's worth of resources. I say almost five because I am just about done making the fourth piece, and only need to grind out the exact same materials for the fifth as well. Sixth, well, that will take …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I have once again fallen down the Guild Wars 2 hole, and have almost five pieces of legendary armor's worth of resources. I say almost five because I am just about done making the fourth piece, and only need to grind out the exact same materials for the fifth as well. Sixth, well, that will take …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

in Milliways
Bought a PS3 (the legendary BC unit) and a "Jasper" 360. The PS3 was too far gone (nicotine dust galore and dead GPU), while the 360 had a lot of corrosion, yet it booted. Transplanted a few parts of the 360 into some "uncorroded" shell I had as spare, and managed to put it back together. It still …

Re: What game are you playing now?

in Milliways
I played through Fallout 4 recently and I've started playing around in Fallout 76. 4 took a while to grow on me and I don't hate it like I did when it first came out, but 76 just feels like I'm simply filling time and not really doing anything. Its really a waste of time. I got it when it first …

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