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Adlib clone 3D printable ISA bracket?

I've built schlae's Adlib replica card (https://github.com/schlae/adlib) but without the correct tools it's very difficult to drill the holes into the ISA bracket and I basically ruined mine. Does anybody have any STL files to 3D print the bracket instead? (similar to the Tandy Nano, etc) …

Re: Tandy Nano - 3 Voice Soundcard ISA - Lowprofile

Can the LM386N-3 be substituted for the LM386N-1? It looks like the LM386N-3 has higher output power (500 mW vs 250 mW). I'm worried that the higher output power might have increased noise/distortion or not be appropriate for line-level output? Also, the SN74LS245N for the Adlib clone is completely …

Re: SBVGM (DOS) VGM Player

How accurate is sound when played on a different chip than recorded with? For example, how accurate is a VGM from a YM2151 played back on a YMF262 ("OPL3") ? The YM2151 is an "FM Operator Type-M" and the YMF262 is "FM Operator Type-L"... I'm not sure what they means, but can these different FM chips …

Re: Tandy Nano - 3 Voice Soundcard ISA - Lowprofile

I'm about to order a few PCBs from JLCPCB but does anybody have the actual gerber files? JLCPCB complains it doesn't know the dimensions of the PCB with the files from github. Also, according to this video they mention certain Tandy voice samples not playing correctly? (ie. Space Quest) I'm also …

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