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Re: Super Duper printers

in Milliways
... They are just easy to use. Once you learn how to set them up properly. I was lucky that I worked for a computer education center that taught me allot about the HP printers and setting them up. ... Do you mean HP are great and easy when you can lean on the experience of seeing various models …

Re: Super Duper printers

in Milliways
The usual rule of thumb is Epson for inkjets and Brother for laser. High end HP laser printers can be alright but are huge things designed for heavy office use, however, they all have the same support... ... Dude in an Indian call center, reading a script you can get from their website, they can't …

Best Geforce driver for Windows 2000?

Please could you share your personal experiences of Windows 2000 Geforce drivers, which one(s) you prefer and why? I'm wondering if it's best to stick with drivers which officially support W2K (somewhere around 169.21 to 182.50) limiting you to something like a Geforce 8800... or... Is the effective …

Re: what SSD for XP ?

kasfruit wrote on 2020-08-04, 15:05: but didn't know anything about the 950 which is by the way one out of the few rare drives with OPTION ROM so I can even get the NVME version for a legacy BIOS (not UEFI) based mobo. The 950 option is interesting, very interesting, but do you know if you can boot …

Re: what SSD for XP ?

.. [*] Overprovision the drive by leaving some space unpartitioned. I recommend around 25% unused space, but if you're using a drive larger than 250GB you would probably be fine with less. SSD over-provisioning is a feature found on high end drives (e.g. available on Samsung Pro but not Evo models) …

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