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Re: LGR's home severely damaged by Hurricane Helene

in Milliways
Wow, these North Carolina valleys got wiped out by the flood waters. But the USA Government and National guard is already sending in help and supplies. I have to check up on my Sister too. She is in Tamp Bay , Florida and some in Carolinas Her husbands business transferred him to Florida from San …

Re: Problematic Windows games list

in Windows
Theme Park the original is a hard game to get working, should be ok on something like a 386 Roller Coaster Tycoon is a good alternative on more modern machines Pentium PRO and even on Pentium 4 under WIN95/98/2000 I would really like to play Wing Commander tho that is one I've not managed to get …

Re: dgVodooo 2.8.x and related WIP versions

Dege if you have time please check the Mechwarrior thread if necessary, i've been testing MW2 and made some discoveries over it. https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1295086#p1295086 And as promised there, here is both dgvoodoo conf i used here so you can test first to see how it goes. MEchwarrior …

Re: dgVodooo 2.8.x and related WIP versions

There seems to be some visual transparency issues with Uprising's GOG release under 3dfx https://imgur.com/a/LP0HeGH I am also using the D3D EXE too and i wish someone who has the original under original hardware can test it too https://imgur.com/a/7r2VK6q here is my config if you want to check it …

Re: Wing Commander 3 issues

From Destro's thread at wcnews, which i may ask if its possible to also check WC4 later, since that game is another can of worms due to having a Dos to Win patch as the DVD re-release thus making 2 separate releases Hey @Bitterman I've done some testing with the latest dgvoodoo2 build. It works …

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