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Re: Windows program

in Windows
I know that it's possible to do what i need, but i don't know how. Can someone please give me where to contact someone of u?

Re: Windows program

in Windows
leileilol wrote: "not run in DOS mode" refers to booting Windows 95 to DOS mode (via F8 or restarting), so it's definitely Win32. Win16 programs tell you they "require Windows". Dosbox does not support running Windows 95 nor Windows 9X games. Can i pm u?

Re: Windows program

in Windows
Hey, Jo22 So i installed windows 3.1 on dosbox. Now i tried to open program and it shows me this message https://prnt.sc/ldmugz https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=9405 - there is that win32s, i have to install it in windows 3.1? If yes then can u explain how? Btw thanks, u helped me a lot …

Windows program

in Windows
Idk where to make this topic. So i want to launch a exe from dosbox, but it says "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" I guess thats because that exe file isnt 16 bit? If so can i somehow make it work throught dosbox?

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