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Re: Starflight II

in DOS
Hooray! Also, once the weird bug that made DOSbox crash playing the game is fixed, it will be playable there as well. Well it seems to run fine in my codebase It has the same problem as Starflight 1:dosbox can't save the game. I'm still figuring that one out And it's programmed as unfriendly as the …

Re: Sid Meier's Civilization 1

you know that civ1 is slow from it self ? no matter how fast your pc is. Civ1 is always slow...... I was suprised by this fact myself actually. Expecially the speed with which the units move. It's irritating slow ( i ran it on a pII 350 in win98 dos) But as DOSFREAK said it runs perfect in Dosbox. …

Re: Is it possible to modify a running process?

in Milliways
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by MajorGrubert ...their security is similar in several aspects, and the actual security you get is affected by your settings and your practices. Meanwhile, there is a large (should I say huge) …

Re: Death Rally & Solar Winds

Hrmm. Not sure which one that is...this one?: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?gro...551&atid=467232 nope Try http://arem.apinc.org/dosbox My guess is it hangs even without sound, as that is the case in WinXP+VDMSound. I wonder what both the NTVDM and DOSBox have in common that could be causing …

Re: 486 emulator

in Windows
Well bochs should work although it's known the hard to set up. You could try virtual pc or vmware. Both are not free but I think they work fine. Is there any special reason why it should be a 486 ? Qbix

Re: Death Rally & Solar Winds

It's on that board of the beta testers. Don't know if you can acces it. Well telling that it hangs would be enough and a location were to get it. Maybe trying it with sound disabled as well. The sound is known to crash games/(not hang) If you register at it. send me a pm and I will give you the same …

Re: Death Rally & Solar Winds

I remember both games working fine with dosbox. (Well at least the Death rally thing(as I see know that Solar winds is from 93..... so that might be tricky)) for death rally you need the play with the cycles a bit to get everything allright. They should run with the 0.57 release (didn't test it.) …

Re: DOS apps freezing in XP...

in DOS
Sounds like a fluke issue. Sometimes things will just flake out, then mysteriously start working later. This is one constant that I've seen in computers. It seems unaffected by the level of technology. True, When debugging on some now working games. I ran into the fact that some games rely on …

Re: Could FAT be the problem?

in DOS
no, the only thing that might be wrong is the fact that the security permissions were wrong. The fact that old games fail to work on win2k is that support for the old dosfunctions has been limited and the timing is bad win2k is made for many applications at once as in dos the programs had full …

Re: Leisure Suit Larry 6

dunno about that, Sound has always been harekiets area. Sound isn't bad actually 😀 It might be in 0.57 sometimes because of the singlethreadedness we introduced (and removed now). Maybe really short sounds are still a problem. but maybe we have to precache the sound stream

Transport Tycoon deluxe

in Windows
Hi, When i start the game (win2k sp3) : error reading registry and it quits. Any idea on how to get it running ? Qbix

Re: Arkania 2 Star Trail problems

in DOS
One of the beta testers discoverd an error in the xms code but the game won't run for some time. It seems to be a protected mode game......

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