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Re: "Strike Commander" crashes on you too?

That's difficult to say. When I play with both cycle and core set at "auto" the game hangs in-game every two missions or so. Now I've tried how fast can really run "Strike Commander" in my system, and while menus and videos stutter at 50,000 cycles (dynamic core) in-game allows far more exagerate …

Re: "Strike Commander" crashes on you too?

I've captured the error message the game produces when it crashes. What a pity Origin was't more clear about what is making the game crash. http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/7781/dosbox000oh3.th.png As I said, I don't think it's DOSBox related. For some reason the game worked fine on 486 CPUs, but …

"Strike Commander" crashes on you too?

Hello there. I use to play the CD version of "Strike Commander" under DOSBox, and while latest version has achieved a wonderful performance improvement, it also causes the game to crash in-game after a couple of missions. The worse thing is that I'm almost sure it's not DOSBox fault, because the …

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