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Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

I'm using my own player also known here on Vogons as 'FSMP' You can find its topic by clicking on my signature, but you can also download it from my site: http://falcosoft.hu/softwares.html#midiplayer Just got my Sound Canvas just in time for the weekend. Loving it already! I am using your Midi …

Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

Very cool! I think I have heard of it too. ;-) I also created my own MIDI player (sort of) back in the old days that had the same reset functionality, but I cheated. I programmed Quick Basic and ran "shell" commands with another MIDI file player to do GS resets before each MIDI file. Basically, I …

Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

Thanks for keeping me grounded. I want to try anyway. I don't have expectations of perfection, and I expect downsides like what was mentioned about the sound effects. I am mostly thinking about the music. I don't know if MIDI-OX can specify the volume or not, but if it can then I could basically …

Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

Thank you very much everyone, and especially Falcosoft for having the exact answer that I was looking for. I miss the Midi mapper of Windows 3.1 and it sounds like MIDI-OX can do the same thing. I am planning to use DOSBox anyway, so it sounds like this is a perfectly fine solution to achieve the …

Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

Thanks for the help. To be specific, I guess what I am trying to say/do is simply this... Program the Sound Canvas so that if it sees instrument X, play instrument Y. Rather than put it into MT-32 mode which is one specific mapping, put it into my own mode that I custom write to it with different …

Re: Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

This is a very interesting and somewhat helpful article: https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/depth-midi-functions-of-roland-sound-canvas/ In the section "F. Splits and Layers" it looks like it is possible to reassign instruments to a part/channel, and it also has the sections "G. Drum …

Remapping sounds on Roland Sound Canvas?

Hello, I am anxiously waiting to receive my Roland SC-55 mkII delivery in the next day or so, and I was wondering... Is there a way to create MIDI files that can send messages (Sysex or whatever) to the Sound Canvas and tell it what instrument to play instead of the default for that instrument …

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