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Re: DOS games that require windows to play?

in DOS
There are DOS games like MDK or Ignition that have updates for 3D graphics cards (3DFX) which require Windows 95. Also there are DOS games like Zoop that after copying the game files the installer runs Windows 3.1 to create the icons. According to the manual, the game requires Windows 3.1 to run ( …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

On XP the game should work with the DxWrapper settings from the readme and Windows 9x compatibility mode. Same thing on Wine, need to set the Windows version to 9x. I have found the way to run it. At least on my system (Intel Atom N280, Intel GMA 945, Windows XP) I have to leave Dd7to9 = 0. If I …

Re: S3d-to-software wrapper

With beta 1 I was able to run the game but with severe graphic glitches. With beta 2 I'm able to load the logos and the intro without graphical issues but after the intro the game freezes. It does not show the menu. I'm using VideoMode640x480 = 2, Windows XP, Intel Atom N280, Intel GMA 945 and last …

Re: Best EGA games?

F29 Retaliator https://www.mobygames.com/game/6233/f29-retaliator/ https://cdn.mobygames.com/screenshots/1415338-f29-retaliator-dos-i-just-shot-one-of-those-migs-down-vga.png World Class Leader Board (with RealSound) https://www.mobygames.com/game/448/world-class-leader-board/ https://cdn.mobygames. …

Re: Moto Racer freezes when starting race

When the game loads I wait until the game on 3d appear but it says me "not enough video memory D3D mode not available". And the games runs without filtering. Try to press Ctrl+F during gameplay, get back to the menu, enable direct 3d filtered and try to load the game again. There is a know problem …

Re: PCem forums - registering issue

SarahWalker wrote on 2024-04-28, 13:15: As leileilol says, registration is disabled due to the sheer number of spambots. It's nominally temporary until a better solution is implemented, but no idea when that will be. Nice to see you again. Are you going back to develop PCem or just checking its …

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