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Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

For AV, I prefer to use the correct aspect ratio if possible. Because of this, I have two TV in my living room, one is 4:3 and one is 16:9. The only issue I have found is any BD of a 4:3 broadcast (such as Star Trek TNG) is actually matted on 16:9 and will not display properly on a 4:3 display …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

I just saw a local chain advertising a 25" MSI 1920x1080 IPS 100Hz monitor for 109 Canadian dollars. That's abou the price of a reasonably fancy full course meal + wine for 2 people here. For comparison, the cheapest 15" reasonable dot pitch CRT monitor I could get in early 1996 was a 500 CAN$ …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

revolstar wrote on 2024-05-16, 20:18: It's like Shaggitarius said, it probably all boils down to the quality of the TV's built-in upscaler, but it's always some sort of compromise, innit? A lot of the good ones seem to add what appears to be minor grain and error diffusion, not sure that’s really …

Re: Pentium PRO?

I mean... I wouldn't call it a "good" reason. It's 100% rose tinted goggles and weapons grade copium. Credit where it's due, V1 & V2 were blazing stars of awesome. Then the company just shit the bed for a myriad of reasons. The V4 & V5 were junk compared to the competition. The GeForce 256 ate …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

Dunno how popular the Nostalgia Nerd is around these here parts, but he has just posted a video titled Why did we Abandon 4:3? Very interesting background there. Good video. The reverse argument does not hold, because 4:3 screens that can display centered 16:9 would be way too tall. Being someone …

Re: (1991-2001) Oldest 1680x1050, 1600x1200, 1920x1200, 2048x1536, 2560x1600 VA/IPS LCD monitors you can think of ?

Impressive list making a database of every screen that was. Notice however that 99%+ of the screens are the big 4 generic resolutions in non-wide aspects? Notice further several have to be CRT not LCD. There are only a small handful of screens with interesting resolutions in the 90’s one Compaq …

Re: (1991-2001) Oldest 1680x1050, 1600x1200, 1920x1200, 2048x1536, 2560x1600 VA/IPS LCD monitors you can think of ?

It’s worth noting that widescreen PC LCD Monitors were very rare before 2003 (Apple being the exception) 2560x1600 is well uncommon at best Only one common PC screen (Dell 3011 series) and Apple Cinema 30 (2004) like that along with a bunch of strange off brand dim portable units From what I can …

Re: Which 17\19 inches crt monitor choose

17 inches are the sweet spot, because starting from 19 and up, i personally dislike the "blocky" visual on low resolution. I'm using a 19, but aiming to find a 17 on good shape sooner or later. I usually play on 800x600 or 1024x768 You can shrink the image as much as you want on a 19” monitor, just …

Re: Pentium PRO?

Also interesting was that the ppro was not as egregiously expensive in single cpu form as many note (late 95 yes but prices eroded rapidly on pro180’s) , late 1996 the local tech bought around 250x ppro 180’s with Micronics motherboards and they weren’t significantly more expensive than a top of …

Re: Looking for new “portable” 4k LCD

I think mickeysoft said it best, 640x480 should be enough for everyone. that aside. i'd be doubtful about those cheap screen being actually '4k'. there might be a total of 4k R, G, B pixels on there, as in 3840x2160, but you'd have to divide it by three to get a real idea. So likely 1280x720 though …

Looking for new “portable” 4k LCD

If I’m going to waste actual money on something it may as well work for the things I do and fit the space I have. In any event my work laptop is used in multiple spaces usually where a smallish portable lcd fits best. Sadly theses seem to come in a million random types with very little in way of …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

It depends on what it is, period correct is best but oddly I use a 27” Trinitron as a secondary screen for my work laptop (and nes) and an old 17” CRT that handles the full 2048x1536 (my 19” screen burned up). I use that 17” screen for modern use at 1680x1050 with the text stretched so everything I …

Re: SVGA Games for 286 ?

Monitor was a 20" model with BNC connectors (Matsushita?, Mitsubishi?). It wasn't multi-sync, though. Changing resolutions required manual adjustments. When I played a bit with this monitor years later, I got SkyGlobe running with it in SVGA mode (Skyglobe S). Again, had to adjust the knobs to get …

Re: SVGA Games for 286 ?

I summarize that most games are more moving-picture games :) like windows 3 cars games, text adventures or simple bullet movements. The only exception might indeed be sim city. There is SimCity Enhanced CD-ROM for DOS which supports svga. Interesting. I will try this out :) There were a couple “ …

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