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Re: EARLIEST CD-ROM Drives that could Read CD-R's ???

Reading ability depends more from the CD-R disc itself than from the drive. Some old CD-Rom's read only Memorex and Fujifilm CD-R disks, but refuse Verbatim, TDK and other brands. Exactly, I don’t remember any surefire way to predict what cdr is readable and when. One company insisted on providing …

Re: CGA "optimal" palette (fantasy)

Something that is never done on CGA but done on a variety of monochrome platforms is to flicker between the two pallets on every vertical blanking. Takes zero programming skill and minimal cpu overhead You would still get 4 colors but they would be brand new (not very good) But not the normal 16 …

Re: New ATX power supply standard will be 12v only

The question is why call this new thing ATX? A unified voltage PSU may as well have a bullet connector or worse an external supply. I’m imagining a humming $5 space heater inside the case. What’s even better is led computer lights will either grow in cost or become incandescent . Seems like a big …

Re: VGA games with only 16 colors

in DOS
Games with 640x480 16colors on 286? can't remember these... I had a variety of slow paced games for my VGA equipped Tandy 1000rlx that used 640x480x16 A bunch that also used higher resolution ega modes. Most were card games, “Japanese games” board games, hangman, “learning games”, typing games and …

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