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Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
There's something about this that should be clarified: short-wavelength violet *can't* be reproduced by computer monitors. In reality it's a very deep blue, which the brain perceives as violet (=with a reddish tinge) because the red photoreceptors in our eyes have a secondary small peak in the far …

Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
The new color scheme is nearly as unreadable as the old one was. I really like my purple and violet shirts, but displays that have background colors with lots of red (and blue) are really bad for readability and eye comfort. This is because our eyes' contrast sensitivity is primarily in the green …

Re: New forum suggestions/Feedback

in Milliways
The new color scheme is nearly as unreadable as the old one was. I really like my purple and violet shirts, but displays that have background colors with lots of red (and blue) are really bad for readability and eye comfort. This is because our eyes' contrast sensitivity is primarily in the green …

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