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Re: PCI graphics card for a strong 1997 build

I have a soft Spot for S3 Vision cards. Fast enough for anything you need 1997 (paarend with Voodoo 1) - for DOS and Windows, High Quality DAC, Maximum DOS compatibility. I would recommend a 4mB S3 968 variant with 220MHz DAC: - Elsa Winner 2000 Pro/X 4MB (or 8MB) - Elsa Winner 2000 AVI-4 (175MHz …

Re: Best AGP card for P4 2.8Ghz

I think all your graphics cards are suitable for a WinXP machine. If I had to choose, I would also take the 2600XT. It certainly won't be enough for late WinXP games, but for everything up to 2006, with a few compromises, it will do just fine. The Match is especially great for your S478 system. For …

Re: Best Graphic Cards for a 486DX4-133 System

Please keep in mind, that Windows will be slow with a resolution like 1280x1024. Even with a Am5x86 overclocked to 160MHz. It’s not true for VRAM cards like Vision 968 or Virge VX. If Windows at high resolutions an Color dephts is important, then you should avoid (FPM/EDO) DRAM cards. This cards …

Re: Best Graphic Cards for a 486DX4-133 System

. That's why Voodoos were popular, after all. They allowed the poor guys with a weak machine to run current games. I completely agree with you, from the perspective of the 90s. From today's perspective, it looks a bit different. Games in 90s used to be considered smooth if they were over 15fps, …

Re: Best Graphic Cards for a 486DX4-133 System

I wouldn't bother with 3D on a 486. Important are aspects like compatibility and speed in DOS good Win 3.x drivers and speed high color depths at common resolutions in Windows (e.g. 1280x1024x24bit for a 19"TFT monitor) reasonable refresh rates (70Hz+) at these resolutions a sharp picture. The PCI …

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