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Re: Could you give me advice on buying a new computer?

in Milliways
It depends on what you want to play and at what detail. The computer I asked advice on costs me exactly $525 without a PSU, case, SSD and monitor. It will handle anything 2020 can offer and hopefully beyond. If I had to buy everything it still wouldn't be over $750. Nowhere near $3500. A $3500 …

Re: I have no proper words for this

in Milliways
I started collecting hardware a couple of months ago and I already wish I had a bigger house. I can only image the space required after 20 years. I'd hate to get rid of things just because I ran out of shelves. Hoarding hardware is way too space consuming.

Re: Windows 3.x EGA Drivers

Is there a wanted or for sale thread somewhere around here for me to look at, or do I have to scroll around aimlessly and hope someone mentions it so I can DM them like some other sites? There is a complicated way I sometimes use, I find auction sites and forums in nearby developing countries and …

Re: Windows 3.x EGA Drivers

FAMICOMASTER wrote: Seriously, some of those monitors go for almost as much as I paid for my first car. What the hell makes them worth so much?. Resellers and the dollar/euro. Sometimes the same monitors go for 1/10 price here when it's not intended for the US/western EU market.

Re: Recapping Voodoo 2

It doesn't always work like that. I just repaired a crappy TVGA8900 that had all the caps bent and broken. All for ¢25 and 30 minutes soldering. I'm no expert either. Turning it on while you know it's missing parts is too risky in my book. Those 10u/16V caps cost maybe a grand total of ¢20. What's …

Re: Could you give me advice on buying a new computer?

in Milliways
I knew picking the GPU won't be easy. When it comes to used I'm a scaredypuss. I just like things new and with a 3 years factory warranty. I'm looking at used 980Tis now and only 1 week warranty on most of them for $350-400! Can't take that risk. The used market here is small and overpriced. I like …

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