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Re: Newly made ISA CGA cards with real 6845s?!

There are some available real vintage CGA/ MDA cards with interesting additional crystal and Yamaha 6845 chipset, with real composite output, and at a lower price compared to Chinese contemporary CGAs: https://www.ebay.com/itm/315763696848 https://www.tindie.com/products/retro_devices/new-pcxtat-isa …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Under win98 you are free to write a VxD that can trap I/O ports and do whatever you need https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~heha/vxd/vxd.htm ... Thx for interesting docs about VXD, a reading for long winternights... Also there's mention about writting VXD in C that debunk a myth it can be done only …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Maybe in 2050 will M$ release sources of Win98 and it will be possible to modify it's memory manager to cooperate with SBEMU :) It is not the memory manager that is required, it is the CPU hypervisor. Under win98 you are free to write a VxD that can trap I/O ports and do whatever you need https:// …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

Not surprising at all. the OPL chips are very well documented (and dont have super secret sauce inside them like a SID chip), and the secret sauce that soundblasters DID have for their DSP chips, got successfully dumped using side channel exploits over the years. There is even a thread here on …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

It's DOS32A, not JEMMEX. Although it's not mandatory, the DPMI spec 'suggest' to detect & use DPMI first, then VCPI, then raw mode switches. DOS32A just use VCPI even DPMI is present. I think a tiny change with DOS32A code will make it work. DOS32A can be configured via command line switch or by …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

With IO port trapping to 0x40-0x47, we can skip the reprogramming part, but with or without port trapping of the timer, the most tricky part is how to override and call games' handler in a reliable manner. Yes, You would have to prevent client software from being allowed to change int handler, can …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

You mean reprogramming the timer again after game runs? With IO port trapping to 0x40-0x47, we can skip the reprogramming part, but with or without port trapping of the timer, the most tricky part is how to override and call games' handler in a reliable manner. And the hack is too dirty - SBBEMU …

Re: SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

The initial code of SBEMU also uses timer, but the sound FX will have more latency, even pops and cracks. and SBEMU cannot program the timer since usually games will do that. so the interrupting rates is fully dependent on games, which is not good. wouldnt hijacking 0x40-47 timer accesses solve …

Re: Aweutil /EM option - speed sensitive

Which version of AWEUTIL are you using? Try to use the latest one. AWEUTIL likes higher CPU speeds. The BIOS must not trap the NMI first. AWEUTIL stays earlier if not on top of the NMI handlers chain. Either for some reason the NMI vector in the interrupt table is overwritten back with the BIOS …

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