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Re: ZMBV 64-bit codec, here you go.

Update: I'm an idiot SO I just now realized that I wasn't renaming the dll from zmbv to zmbv64, oops. In any case, I was able to get it to work, and the resulting file sizes are smaller, which is exactly what I wanted. With that said, since I spent so much time pulling my hair out on this, I'm …

Re: ZMBV 64-bit codec, here you go.

Yeah, I basically want the highest compression hard coded in. I figured out how to vcpkg a static library version of zlib in, but VS2019 refuses to see it now. I think I have to fiddle with a setting in the project's properties somewhere, but I have yet to find said option. EDIT: Got it to compile, …

Re: ZMBV 64-bit codec, here you go.

jmarsh wrote: The slider does nothing, it's not hooked up to any code. Yeah, I managed to figure that out after looking through the code. Now, if only I was able to get the build I made to work, I would be set, but even though it successfully builds, it refuses to show up in the VFW codec selection …

Re: ZMBV 64-bit codec, here you go.

Oh, hmm, sorry about that, nobody else ever tested it, so it probably just persisted on my system. Here's a recompile and an INF installer added. Confirmation it appears in Vegas Pro 14, Virtualdub x64 , both 64-bit Okay so this one works great. Just one little thing though that I hope you …

Re: ZMBV 64-bit codec, here you go.

Kisai wrote: Anyway, here's a replacement to the 64bit dll. If I fix anything else in it, I'll update this. There is no 32-bit dll in this one. Hey, so just as a heads up, when using your latest dll, it refuses to show up in the VFW selection list. Not sure why though. Previous version works just …

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