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Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

What else can I try to do? Maybe something needs to be corrected through PCISET.EXE? Maybe some setting is not enabled on the ITE PCIe-PCI bridge? On the other hand, why does XP use 17 interrupts, while 98 only uses 15 as the maximum possible? Could it be that the card can only work on interrupt 17? …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

Windows XP uses the following resources: F7340000-F7347FFF C000-C03F C0E0-C0E3 IRQ 17 and the card works. Whereas in Windows 98 they are: F7340000-F7347FFF C000-C03F C0E0-C0E3 IRQ 5 and the card is not working. I tried to change the interrupt, however, IRQ 17 does not allow me to choose. With the …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

I tried it on my old PC (Intel Core2Duo x6800 + Conroe865PE based) and no problem, the card works flawlessly (With the same VxD driver). One might think that the H81 and/or ITE PCIe-PCI bridge is not compatible, but that's how it works in XP! What can be wrong in Windows 98?

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

Windows 98+XP native are not problem, problems are with Dos. I tried a Yamaha 754 on an Intel H81 with an ITE PCIe-PCI Bridge and indeed the card is fully functional under Windows XP, which is good. What drivers should I install under Windows 98 for this card, under these conditions? Are there any …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

Windows 98+XP native are not problem, problems are with Dos. I tried a Yamaha 754 on an Intel H81 with an ITE PCIe-PCI Bridge and indeed the card is fully functional under Windows XP, which is good. What drivers should I install under Windows 98 for this card, under these conditions? Are there any …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

Hello. I read this thread, but I did not find a clear answer to the question. Can anyone suggest? Will the Yamaha 754 be like this: https://www.ferra.ru/thumb/150x0/filters:quality(75):no_upscale()/imgs/2018/11/26/11/2559189/17ec89f30d4db38b0cb1657ba33941d26090fc30.jpg https://www.ferra.ru/thumb/ …

Re: Half-Life Performance Issues

D3D in Half-Life is not that bad, but OpenGL is faster and more stable, I guess owing to the engine's roots in id tech 2. Not sure what was going on with that G400 there. With OpenGL you don't get overbright lighting on textures (a type of early bloom lighting effect). I would rather play it in D3D …

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