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Re: (3DFX) One Voodoo2 or Voodoo2 SLI for some older games

in Windows
I'm in the same boat debating on whether it's worth it to run two V2s. I'm wondering if games that take advantage of the two aren't capable of running in OpenGL or D3D instead if they even need SLI for higher resolutions, etc. Have a win98 system with a diamond viper and 2x monster3d V2 SlI cards. …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

In that case it sounds like a buggy config tool that set one thing in the hardware and subsequently put something else in the BLASTER variable, resulting in no DA in applications that used the BLASTER variable rather than asking you to manually configure. Just a bit puzzled in that case why it did …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

Previously you had IRQ 7 in your BLASTER variable, now IRQ 5. If you had an incorrect IRQ selected, that could explain why music (which only uses the base address) worked but digital audio (which needs the interrupt) did not. Big question is what you actually selected when configuring the card. The …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

So I'd try to replace the Galaxy for an Sb16 ct2290. Seemed fine at first but after reboot is randomly give me an irq error. After replacing jumpers, diagnosing (it tells me, even after fault at boot, it's all good, no ingame sound btw..) and fiddling with bios (making sure irq 5 was legacy) i'd …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

[...] Yes, I wrote a note many years ago of problems I experienced in my late generation 486 motherboard when enabling certain BIOS features (that improves memory timings and other cache timings). I never investigated it further and just assumed it was a speed sensitive issue. My model is one of …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

That's second gen alright. Relevant quote here: The AZT1605-U05 DSP version reports 2.x which causes software to detect only a Sound Blaster 2.0 and play back only mono digitized sound effects. This is because the DSP version of a SB Pro is at least 3.01. Games that let you configure stuff manually …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

Not familiar with that game's setup but, sometimes there is a configuration file that you can edit to overwrite the settings. You can also try (in your Autoexec.bat file) to change the sound card type from T4 to T3. Chasm can't be setup, it detects all hardware when game starts. Yes going to change …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

I found this on another post about MMSN822: Here's a link to Aztech Labs' FTP support site (it contains the drivers for most of their own Sound Galaxy range of sound cards) The large zip file on Vogonsdrivers contains all of these drivers as well. ftp://ftp.aztech.com/support/DOWNLOAD/sg/ However, …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

[...] Thanks for the info. I'll look for the FCC ID on the card. See if it is the Big Bad Buggy 2nd gen :-) It's an ISA-card, so if I'm going to rplace it whit another it will be pricy i guess. What is the most vesatile ISA-card to replace it with. The regular Soundblaster cards? One thing at a …

Re: Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

Which "Aztec Galaxy 2"? Aztech had many, many cards, with mulitple cards with the words "Galaxy" and "2" in them, from the Sound Galaxy NX II to the Sound Galaxy Nova 16 Extra II. There are 4 generations of Aztech cards, each with different specs and installation requirements. In general, the 3rd …

Aztec Galaxy 2 Soundcard

Dear reader, In my p166, dos 6.22 pc i have an Aztec Galaxy 2. Got the drivers for it and loaded in autoexec.bat. Main games like Doom, RoTT, Duke nukem 3d, Syndicate, Jagged Alliance, blood, ref alert... and after a fight Death Rally have great sound and music. It usually works as long as it's …

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