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Re: Delta Force 2 depth buffer problems

in Windows
At this point you must be trolling. EDIT: just to be more constructive than you are and in case it helps someone else. https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Delta_Force_2 "Broken hardware renderer The hardware renderer is broken on modern operating systems, causing severe graphical corruption and depth …

Re: CMOS battery?

Lol, funny that you're posting a batman's revenge board right after I posted about it. It's the infamous Dallas RTC chip, middle right. You will have to mod it as it's necessary for the board to function. You may have problems accessing the BIOS even after fixing the RTC because it holds a bogus …

Re: MartyPC

Ah! That was great, really enjoyed learning some of the shenanigans that made this wizardy possible as I really had very basic clues! Thanks for the talk, and for sharing 😀

Re: MartyPC

A lot of original floppy preservation efforts ended up using Teledisk, ImageDisk, Transcopy and similar advanced tools and formats, so supporting (at least some of) them is a wonderful addition! Great job :) What I think is a decent overview over there: https://forum.winworldpc.com/discussion/7877 …

Re: ELSA Winner 2000 Pro PCI 4MB BIOS dump needed

Hi demonized999, I'm necroposting in your thread as maybe this is still useful to you. I found your thread today looking for other things by luck, so I dumped my ELSA Winner 2000 Pro 4MB PCI BIOS today for you. Will also upload to theretroweb later. I do have the 964 version with the TI ramdac and …

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