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Descent Version 1.5 Patch Fix

in DOS
If you are experiencing a lack of in-game music in all levels after Level 7 while playing the DOS version of Interplay's Descent, you may be interested in a set of fix programs and scripts that I have put together. I am attaching a ZIP archive which includes DOS, 32-bit Windows, and 32-bit OS/2 …

Re: A Very Old Game on a Custom System

in Milliways
The Tower of Pin still has the old DOS demo for Tristan: http://www.pcpinball.com/files/demos/pc/trisd.html I remember running this on my old AST 486 machine. Somebody might want to see if it works under one of the emulators on a modern system.

A Very Old Game on a Custom System

in Milliways
Some LittleWing Pinball fans created a real Tristan machine: http://www.littlewingpinball.com/contents/en/ … an_replica.html Cool! Here's some info on the original game for those who may not be acquainted with it: http://www.littlewingpinball.com/contents/en/ … o/tr/index.html

Re: Jetfighter2

in DOS
A Version 1.05 Patch for Jetfighter 2 is available at http://www.patches-scrolls.de/

Wildfire Pinball Patches

in Windows
Mok has created patches to fix a number of issues in the retail releases of the following Wildfire pinball games: Balls of Steel Devil's Island Pinball Kiss Pinball Dirt Track Racing Pinball Austin Powers Pinball Ultimate Pinball Gold Background discussion can be found here: http://forums.3drealms. …

Re: Daikatana Soundtrack

in Milliways
I think most anyone would have a hard time remembering ANY soundtrack from five years ago. The tracks are varied in terms of style, and that matches the four environments in the game. Some of it I like, some it I don't really care for.

Daikatana Soundtrack

in Milliways
Hope springs eternal, I suppose. Apparently, a fellow by the name of Scott Hunter has secured the rights to publish the soundtrack to John Romero's Daikatana. The soundtrack consists of two CD-ROMs (available separately), and it includes some music that was generated for but not included with the …

Re: Sierras Grand Prix Legends

in Windows
This site has some information on getting the game to run under Windows XP: http://eaglewoman.rscsites.org/gpl/faq-xp.htm Here is a comprehensive patch that you may find easier to deal with than applying all the individual patches manually: http://trackdb.d2g.com/all-in-one.asp

Re: AWE64 woes on Win 3.11

Do you have a copy of the AWE64 manual? A couple of years ago you could download a copy of the AWE64 Gold manual in PDF format from Creative Labs, but it seems to have disappeared from the list. The filename is awe64gold.pdf, and I found a site with a copy here: http://www.buildorbuy.org/pdf/ …

Re: Settlers 2 gold hotseat

in DOS
From http://www.bluebyte.net/eng/products/settlers2gold/tips_techfaq.htm : Mouse not working or stuck in the top left corner of the screen. Please make sure you have the latest version of your mouse driver. In most cases this will solve the problem. We recommend Microsoft®'s mouse.exe version 8.20. …

Re: Crusader: No Remorse - 'flicpath' problem (movies)

in DOS
The readme file also indicates this: Q: The game hangs at a black screen every time I run it. A: This problem may be caused by not having FILES=40 set in your CONFIG.SYS Solution: In your CONFIG.SYS set FILES=40 and BUFFERS=40

Re: original Sound Blaster demo...

With regard to the parrot, this page indicates the following: "Mindmaker, Inc. has been known as a leading developer of intelligent personal assistants, natural language processing and other artificial intelligence technology. Not many gamers had heard of them until the debut of the Creative Labs …

Re: EF2000 Runs Too Fast on New Systems

in Windows
eL_PuSHeR, If I remember the chain of events correctly, the developer's assets (Digital Image Design's) were purchased by Rage Software. Rage was then purchased by Infogrames which is now Atari. While Atari does have a support page for the game, I wouldn't bet money on getting them to do anything …

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