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Re: Do you keep a tech-journal?

in Milliways
Since you're taking notes by hand first, it might be worth looking at an OCR solution like a Rocketbook: https://getrocketbook.com/ . I have one and the OCR is decent. I never ended up using it much, as I find it more convenient just to type out my notes. To expand on the markdown stuff I mentioned …

Do you keep a tech-journal?

in Milliways
Hello!! I have a separate sheet for every tech stuff I do, based on the object, task or whatever it is. E.g. [mobo/gfx/peripheral model] or [OS]... submenus (links, ver, what's to do, BIOS......) If I need to go look for something I have notes, first on paper, then in digital. I was thinking about …

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