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Re: MUNT disappears in DOSBox

It looks like a similar problem with VirtualMIDISynth , which has been happening in Win10 since December. The MIDI driver is automatically disabled by Windows on every reboot. Peachy. I didn't expect windows to become any less unusable with the new release... That's why I given it up and use …

Re: MUNT disappears in DOSBox

thanks for your answer. attached is when it DOESN'T work. I'll try to reinstall and make new reg files. Apparently, when munt MIDI driver isn't working on your system, the reference to mt32emu.dll is simply absent in the registry. I'm a little surprised by a claim that it works with a MIDI player, …

Re: MUNT disappears in DOSBox

Hi, thanks for your answer. attached is when it DOESN'T work. I'll try to reinstall and make new reg files. BTW: I saw that MUNT ist 2.4.0 now on GitHub, but the installer on SourceForge is "still" 2.3.0. Will that be updated? Georg

Munt issue with Windows 10

Hi, I have installed MUNT 2.3.0-amd64 with driver and Windows plays midi files perfectly. However when I start DOSBox (0.74.3) mixer /listmidi only shows the default Windows GS driver. I tried to reinstall MUNT and it seemed to work briefly, but after a restart, again, no MT32 in DOSBox. Still, the …

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