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Re: Compaq power supply pinouts archive. (from 8088, 286 and 386, 486, and pentium era ISA and EISA era, UPDATED

So far, that's good of your work, keep doing that with few pointers: That burnt resistor also the burnt capacitor area, are all in simple circuit area, I recommend draw a partial circuit around that to make sense, which is easier since you are in small area near hot side AC to DC rectifier and …

Re: Compaq power supply pinouts archive. (from 8088, 286 and 386, 486, and pentium era ISA and EISA era, UPDATED

Thanks for the prompt response! I re-read you previous post and I think I follow. I did find on the PSU side, there is a 'sneaky' trace on connector side, partially obscured by the 24 pin connector, that ties pin 1 directly to the 5v rail. Unfortunately components were pretty badly damaged. I …

Re: Compaq power supply pinouts archive. (from 8088, 286 and 386, 486, and pentium era ISA and EISA era, UPDATED

Greetings, I got excited when I stumbled upon a *recent* (or any, for that matter) post regarding one of these old proprietary Compaq power supplies. I'm at the point of trying to determine 'power good' signal and any other gotchas. I thought perhaps what I have so far could be beneficial to someone …

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