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Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
There are only few games that I have finished without cheating or just given up after one or few levels. cheat codes, especially 'god mode', often allow a greater appreciation of a game in my opinion. It's the removal of the narrow survival imperative - one can just enjoy the game mechanics, the …

Re: what cool retro thing would mean little to you?

in Milliways
Model M / clicky "proper" keyboards is another one. Again about 10 years ago, I got lucky and obtained a couple of dusty but perfect examples of these from a tip shop for pocket change. Did not like. I can type a perfectly fine 50-100 wpm on any reasonable brand keyboard without really caring …

Re: what cool retro thing would mean little to you?

in Milliways
on sound cards like GUS I'm in the same mind set - some cards may improve some games, and some soundcards are really good - but do they represent such a massive advance over fairly basic alternatives? It's one of those things that one can appreciate while not really intending to ever spend lots of …

what cool retro thing would mean little to you?

in Milliways
There are retro PC things, and indeed PCs, that are considered collectable and cool by many in the retro scene that you may think nothing much of for me two things jump to mind early voodoo cards : really there are a handful of games that benefit and the majority of games that do will get more from …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
a few confessions: - I don't miss CRTs either - Lots of old games that people get nostalgic over are not really that engaging (but some are really great!) - I didn't really believe the games you never tire of thread, "don't tire easily of provided I get a few weeks/months of not playing it" is …

Re: Windows XP on SD card

it's nice to have these options I wonder if, not so many years from now, there would be 1TB of ram on a computer such that you can have a whole XP machine emulated - HDD included - in a 100gb portion of ram ! I can imagine it happening

Re: what will you do when your last hardware fails?

in Milliways
all interesting views, I'd concur with the view that hardware lasts longer than expert expectations (but we don't run it that hard 24/7 it's true) and that for our lifetimes it's likely to be available in enough quantity it's true that retro pc enthusiasts are relatively small in number and probably …

what will you do when your last hardware fails?

in Milliways
I was reading about CPUs life expectancy being around 20 years due to tiny but cumulative use-wear stresses. I hadn't really though about that - I've never known a CPU to be the failing component. It's usually hard discs, PSUs and even motherboards (though I've known surprisingly few failures even …

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