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Re: PCie-to PCI, PCI to ISA, # of slots multipliers - bridges, risers, backplanes, research, especially for DOS, WIP.

Hi Omores, I have one of these but never tested it for retro goodness, only for HTPC soundcard use. For me the great feature is that an external PSU can easily be used, potentially a linear one for clean audio. It worked in X58, Z170 motherboards, I will try it in a W98 build when I can.

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

I guess that 43mhz is a strap when the CPU FSB is running stock at 100MHz. So you can set that and see if it is stable first. Then see if you are able to raise the CPU FSB. Depending on the bios the strap may "loosen" i.e. go down automatically with more FSB, however, If the strap stays the same.. …

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

Sounds like that mwdmeyer's cool new card is doing the pin lifting mod mentioned in the guide you found Chadti.. Overclocking your FSB/PCI speed really helps all round performance as well. I am trying to get a system stable with the PCI bus at 50MHz +, then I might test this mod in conjunction.

Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

Woah you are having some fun there overclocking a PCX2! :) In regards to testing the Neon 250.. not yet. Life got in the way but maybe over the next few days. Also have a PCX2 and found a NVIDIA AGP card was a few frames faster when combined with it, just a few. Some people reported problems mixing …

Re: Best WinXP Video Card

Here's an odd contender: Quadro K1200. It's a a little slower than a 650-ti, but it's also low profile and single-slot. Excellent for an ITX build. Do you have one? If yes, can you see more anti-aliasing options than one would normally see on Geforce? I have briefly looked if it's possible to make …

Re: Gateway 2000/Tatung CM-1495 CRT

Shame it did not do the trick. Hmm what you describe is kind of normal for my early CRTs, they have no OSD to show when there is no signal. My pre 90s CRTs do exactly this, the tube does not glow at all until they get a H/V sync they are expecting, and then kick into life. *Edit if the CRT has a TV …

Re: Gateway 2000/Tatung CM-1495 CRT

I like these old school monitors, yep that monitor has an Analogue/TTL toggle switch. Up to 64 colours EGA. The 9 pin connectors are wired differently to VGA pinouts on some CGA/EGA CRTs.. apart from NEC and some Japanese domestic market ones. I am guessing it is the former which means you probably …

Re: Best WinXP Video Card

I did see that. I guess any kind of 3d acceleration working with a Fury or Hawaii series in XP is good news. Maybe those issues could be worked out, maybe not but won't know till someone else has a crack at it.

Re: Best WinXP Video Card

Yeah quite a breakthrough if true. I notice the link has gone down from AMD. I think I downloaded the driver and stashed it away somewhere.. I will upload them for someone wants to try (if I find it). Edit somewhat discussed here: What would be the fastest XP Setup with XP Era Hardware ?

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