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Re: Best WinXP Video Card

Someone supposedly has got a Fury X working with AMD XP iCafe drivers and an inf mod. Lost my source for that one. Edit: https://msfn.org/board/topic/175342-amd-icaf%C3%A9-unified-driver-for-windows-xp-32-bit/ I would love for someone to test a 780ti OC vs a 980ti OC/Titan X OC in XP. Maxwell …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
Yeah that would do it too, bit weird these days having to pick the 4k compliant cables. Don't have to spend too much but check some user reviews. 90fps sounds right it's an inefficient engine, seems like backwards compatibility is there to chew through bloated steam/gog libraries! RDR2 is a gpu …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
Well today in the UK was the launch of the AIB 6800s and it would seem that not one retailer had any in stock! That goes beyond paper launch! The card is quite warm but I haven't tried under volting yet. It's quite capable at 4k running games like AC:Ody and Mafia DE at max settings 60fps. RDR2 is …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
That is a sexy card! Looks like the front grill of an 80s car when installed :D I've just seen this and I think it looks like an early 70s Plymouth... https://i.imgur.com/lxAQN3B.jpg I do sometimes wonder what sort of graphics performance we could have achieved in the early 2000s if we had allowed …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
Hmm I've not owned a Navi card to know the issues exactly but from reddit posts something DX8/9 that is a bit demanding for their time: Witcher 1/2 FEAR Spellforce 2 Oblivion Gothic 1/2/3 (https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofgothic/comments/em34al/gothic_fans_with_radeon_57005700xt_navi_cards/) The …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
That is a sexy card! Looks like the front grill of an 80s car when installed :D Congrats! Yeah we are shafted for the RRP $1=£1 on computer hardware. OCUK is a bit pricey but they seem to get the most of any new GPU stock so we have little choice. Tried to get a PS5 and failed miserably, bots got …

Re: Is anyone excited for Big Navi?

in Milliways
I've decided I don't have the energy to join the bumfight for a new card come launch time. [sarcasm] What are you? a socialist? The whole point is the bumfight! How else do we proclaim the virtues of unregulated capitalism? Fighting like a dog to spend money is the cornerstone of the American way! …

Re: Flashback - Incorrect aspect ratio?

I remember playing Flashback on the Amiga and SNES, both looked like the 2nd picture on a CRT. Except for the cutscenes. Like this (not my pic) https://external-preview.redd.it/GcfCUDbkAU1aPgzmGNXEr70HNsT-1HJkaak37KChr6w.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=299fabc152be456f1f786802e5d315c2d708b9d2 I …

Re: Do you use CRT monitor for gaming?

in Windows
Yes CRT > DLP > OLED > Plasma > LCD (for gaming with lots of movement imho) Currently: 21" Sony C520 x2 19" Sony G420 (extremely sharp) 15" NEC PC TV455 (all round best) 15" NEC PC TV451 15" Sharp CZ 614D 15" Fujitsu FM Monitor (fav for 15khz) Some others. Previous: Sony W900 - Sold Sony 20" …

Re: Do you use CRT monitor for gaming?

in Windows
Yes CRT > DLP > OLED > Plasma > LCD (for gaming with lots of movement imho) Currently: 21" Sony C520 x2 19" Sony G420 (extremely sharp) 15" NEC PC TV455 (all round best) 15" NEC PC TV451 15" Sharp CZ 614D 15" Fujitsu FM Monitor (fav for 15khz) Some others. Previous: Sony W900 - Sold Sony 20" …

Re: Ultim@te Race - the arcade

in Milliways
Necro but on topic. k-Rally looks familiar! Filename Videologic arcade k-rally flyer full.JPG File size 744.55 KiB Views 584 views Filename Videologic arcade k-rally flyer.JPG File size 715.36 KiB Views 584 views 60fps VGA!

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