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Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

maybe it's a sign then to use the other mobo if this one can't hold CMOS settings - it's a really annoying issue in my book That might be the deciding factor. This is my Win95 machine with the 83Mhz overdrive pentium, so it would be good to play with the Orpheus in that OS. The other 486 is DOS6.22 …

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

Kahenraz wrote on 2023-05-05, 07:58: I wouldn't worry about damaging these large Dupont pin headers. They are ubiquitous and easy to replace if necessary. I fear the words "soldering iron" would feature heavily in the replacement workflow!

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

it seems to me that if you bend that connector on the right edge towards the right by ~20degrees then there would not no conflict issues You might be right about that. The problem is also the row of jumpers on the bottom of the Orpheus. They line up just in the wrong place with the cables coming …

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

I just bent the speaker/led headers That’s way too scary. I am 100% accidentally ripping something off the motherboard if I try that. Also the headers are organised 90 degrees from those on your board so I would need to bend them to plug in at the bottom of the board. And there is not enough room …

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

nice pic SmooBandit :D sorry guys but the length was dictated by the size of the wavetable boards like the DB-50XG/SCB-7~55 and the simm socket... it is more or less the same length as the original GF1 ultrasound Thanks keropi - my comment was more a reflection on the motherboard design. More than …

Re: Orpheus II soundcard thread

Got my Orpheus2 installed today. Oh no! It's too long to share the case with my VLB graphics card, because the CPU gets in the way. Still, looks and works great apart from that. If you're willing to experiment, the attached tool will make the changes necessary to enable the PC speaker functionality …

Re: Voodoo 5 Nocuta Mod

I didn’t have a special crimping tool, if you know of one let me know? I found this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY3hbyF3ypA . The guy is fixing cooling fans on a projector, but the actual fittings are the same, I think. He ends up recommending this crimping tool: https://www. …

Re: Voodoo 5 Nocuta Mod

Thanks for this - I have the same mod in my near future. I have the card. I have the fans. I have the crimping tool. I have no confidence that I am not going to mess it up. How did you attach the noctua fans to the heatsinks? I can't quite make it out in the pics. I found another set of pics on …

Re: PS/2 to Microsoft Serialmouse Adapter Converter / Updated First Post / Firmware Update added

I will try the patched Win 3.11 drivers and report back. Working. After a fashion. I could not get the patched Win3.11 drivers on GitHub here to install. The installer kept complaining about an incorrect number of bytes in the readme.txt file, which was odd. So (to assist anyone breadcrumbing …

Re: PS/2 to Microsoft Serialmouse Adapter Converter / Updated First Post / Firmware Update added

I suppose I might have to set the baud rate too 19200 first? I have now been able to do this, and it completely resolves the problem with the 1.3A mouse, in DOS 6.22, using the patched CuteMouse 1.9 drivers. The adapter kept working during testing over 3 hours or so. Given it could not make 5-10 …

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