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Cyclones you say?

in DOS
Cyclones? never played it, but it looks interesting. took a while 2 find some good information on it tho. had 2 visit the good ol' home of the underdogs b4 i found nething useful. check it out @ http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?name=CyClones how does that go under XP? mabye it is enough to hold …

damn micro$tuffed and thei damn $tuffed software.

in DOS
i was sick of trying 2 get this game 2 run. tried the dos thing, had the same sound card issues. tried running it on a PC with windows 98 but the Dos emulation is bad and the game plays and sounds jumpy on even the lowest resourse hungry settings. 95 doesnt do much better of a job. I was wondering …

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