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Re: Anyone Know Why in the Case of My Asus P4C800-E Deluxe, There Are Vcore Limitations in Place in-BIOS?

Did they believe a max. overvolting 0f 0.2V would be sufficient for Prescotts? On the other hand: This was the time, when the "capacitor plague" was raging everywhere. My own ASUS "P4C800 Deluxe" had issues with the caps in the VRM circuits after a few years. Supposed they knew that there was a lot …

Re: Anyone Know Why in the Case of My Asus P4C800-E Deluxe, There Are Vcore Limitations in Place in-BIOS?

I can think of two reasons for this - assuming ASUS did this intentionally. 1. To protect certain CPUs from being damaged by any Vcore too far out op specs. 2. To protect the Vcore voltage regulators on the ASUS board. Since Prescotts had high power consumptions (> 130W), when Vcore (U) is incresed, …

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