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Re: Geforce 6800 GT output suddenly corrupted

So I think, I'm going to try to reflow the solder with a heatgun this weekend as my last attempt to get this card back. Mostly the VRAM area. Sounds about my skill level I'm sad to say. Fingers crossed. Don't reflow anything with the paint strippers. Get your self a proper hot air station. " …

Re: Geforce 6800 GT output suddenly corrupted

So I think, I'm going to try to reflow the solder with a heatgun this weekend as my last attempt to get this card back. Mostly the VRAM area. Sounds about my skill level I'm sad to say. Fingers crossed. Don't reflow anything with the paint strippers. Get your self a proper hot air station. " …

Re: Voodoo 2 freezing my WIN98 at boot up time

Most likely the issue is caused by SIS chipset. Try differt BIOS or drivers for your mobo. Use this http://falconfly.3dfx.pl/downloads/voodoo2-30300.zip dirivers or http://falconfly.3dfx.pl/downloads/voodoo2-30101.zip the V3.02.02 are broken and are known to cause the issue with some direct 3d games …

Re: Voodoo 2 repair, missing legs on Chuck

pentiumspeed wrote on 2021-02-28, 22:20: Strand of wire from old cable is just thick enough. The main problem is solder go crusty trying to solder due to insufficient flux. Need flux paste, put lots on and does make solder very easy and nice looking. Cheers, There is no such thing as too much flux …

Re: Keep GeForce 4 to cards from dying

"Static from an outlet? Is that even a thing?" Brain fart on my part. 🤣 Let me try agin. I dout it was cased by ESD, or his powergrid. Any better? LOL Geforce 4 Cards do run hot and used very cheap crappy heatsink solutions. With bad caps the ripple current will make them run hotter and fail faster. …

Re: Keep GeForce 4 to cards from dying

Definitely should check PSU for bad caps. PSU is still overlooked as the source of troubles during badcaps era. https://www.badcaps.net/index.php This is definitely one of the first things one should check, but OP stated he had already switched PSUs around, making it unlikely to be the main cause …

Re: Audigy 2 zs problem on windows 98se

Hi, that is one awesome retro PC you got there. I had the same issue with Audigy 2 zs on my Pentium 4 with Intel 865 Chipset, the install cd woud blue screen during install. My understanding Audigy 2 zs was made to be used on win2k/XP, but you can make it work on 9X as well. I followed the guide …

Re: Voodoo 3 3500 Compaq version missing capacitors

To me it looks like RAM issue. http://www.playtool.com/pages/artifacts/artifacts.html you can follow this guide. I had similar issue with ATI x1950XT, I soldered new faster ram K4J52324QE-BJ1A and it fixed the issue. Pretty sweat card now, dubble the RAM capacity and higher clock speed. Made myself …

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