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Re: The quest for an affordable (and possibly cheap) SFF retro PC! (DOS up to Win98)

Sadly the project is on pause right now because somehow my OSSC failed :( Without it, I don't really have a way to test anything. I'll get back to this as soon as it got repaired! --- Hey guys I'm back. The OSSC is fixed, thank goodness the hardware is fine, it's just a firmware thing. I got some of …

Re: The quest for an affordable (and possibly cheap) SFF retro PC! (DOS up to Win98)

PCIe to PCI bridges do work with DOS because they use the same protocols (it's completely transparent to the OS). However, these bridges do have significant shortcomings when it comes to latency, port addressing, and noise. The implementation matters a lot. The PCIe to PCI bridge works very well on …

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