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Dell Optiplex GX300

I bought a Dell Optiplex GX300 when u go in the bios the service tag has not been programmed in. either it was never done at the factory or someone replaced the motherboard at some point and never programmed it in. there don't seem to be any option in the bios to enter the tag number. i also have …

Dell Optiplex gx300

Does anyone know were i can find a factory restore disk for a Dell Optiplex Gx300. i looked on achieve but all that seems to be on there is t he users manual. i know i can just do a manual reinstall of windows but would like to see what the factory restore looked like.

Re: Geforce FX 5200 upgrade?

the best ati card u can get that will work with both 98 and xp would be the 9800 pro. the 9600 card is ok but its was a budge card back in day it was a cut down version of the 9500 pro. the 9600 and 5200 preform about the same. if u keep an eye out u can get one 50ish bucks a bit more then the 9600 …

Re: Windows 98 SIL3114

those sli cards aren't very good for old pcs if u can get a PROMISE SATA 150 TX2 or the maxtor rebranded version those work great with basically everything and even have official windows 98 drivers offered by promise on there website under legacy drivers.

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