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Re: Not all XG midis sounds same in MU1000

The XG system uses levels to segregate the different sound sets and features of the XG software and hardware synths. MU2000/1000/500/128 is the top, the middle is MU100/90/80, and the bottom is the MU50/15/10, the DB-50XG wavetable daughterboard, and the S-YXG100/50/20 softsynths. Common sound …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

I finally got around to fixing the noisy digital audio on my GeForce card. Turns out that the GeForce Experience installer wasn't updating the HD Audio driver and hadn't done so for a long time because it wasn't registering that I had the HD Audio driver installed, so I had to delete the HD Audio …

Re: Do you have more games than you will ever play?

I have way too many on Steam and GOG and not enough time to play anything lately. I've been buying Steam games since the platform was in Beta, so I've racked up nearly 1000 titles. GOG has only given me a few dozen games, many of which eventually made their way to Steam recently, so I repurchased …

Re: Intel Ark drops native Direct3D 9 support.

DXVK is present in the driver files, but the latest DxCaps info says Intel instead reused driver code from the Intel HD Graphics GPU drivers to implement DX9 API functionality. Several DXVK devs work for Intel, so it's inclusion in the driver is not surprising and it may be there to simply cover the …

Re: Intel Ark drops native Direct3D 9 support.

Intel is bringing back DX9 support for some games, mostly popular FPS, by implementing DX9 in the latest drivers. I say some games, because the driver only recognizes a few at this time. A more comprehensive, general DX9 implementation will likely come in the future, allowing many more games to get …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

It actually is very difficult to get an Intel MB with Intel WiFi and Ethernet in many markets, because Realtek and Broadcom dominate the mid-range budget/cheapo part market that most boards draw from, but the latest Intel stuff is very much available in the high-end boards and many AMD boards use …

Re: What modern activity did you get up to today?

I believe Intel also makes (or made?) SSDs, too, so that's something to add to the list. They sold their SSD business to Korea's SK Hynix. They were solid and competitive products, in the low-end and mid-range, but Intel was too focused on the high-capacity/high-cost Enterprise/Data Center market …

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