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Retroquad Engine 0.10.0 Public Release

Here's my Christmas present for everyone this year: Retroquad 0.10.0. I'm looking for feedback, both good and bad. I've had only one report of people being unable to run it in Windows 7. Can anyone else can confirm this? I wonder if that may be caused by me compiling it under Windows 10, but I don't …

Re: Retroquad - a Quake engine with the most advanced realtime 8-bit color software renderer on the planet.

That's a lie. The whole rendering is done in 8-bit color. Retroquad has a number of color compiling routines that converts everything to 8-bit color data during load time. There's absolutely no truecolor rendering at all. There is no truecolor output, you render higher color precision with alpha …

Re: Retroquad - a Quake engine with the most advanced realtime 8-bit color software renderer on the planet.

you software render to 24/32bit before dithering down to 8bit palletized That's a lie. The whole rendering is done in 8-bit color. Retroquad has a number of color compiling routines that converts everything to 8-bit color data during load time. There's absolutely no truecolor rendering at all. Its …

Retroquad - a Quake engine with the most advanced realtime 8-bit color software renderer on the planet.

Hello, first post. I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate place to post this, but this is a project I've been working on for years, and this forum seems to be a place where people may like to know about it: Retroquad 0.6.6 Public Release . So, what's Retroquad about? Retroquad is a game engine …

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