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Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
Getting 450-500 miles per charge. Charges at 350kw. Battery on 4wt version is 216kwh Towing is rated at 10k lbs. but it could probably do a fair amount more if you were feeling squirrley. The truck has 225? Kw of regen, 8 lug wheels, 500 hp, weighs 8500 lbs. all wheel drive I'd love to see that …

Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
Anyhooooo, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai will sell you a hatchback on stilts and call it a compact SUV/CUV or something and they've got some all electrics near that price, but I guess they're only getting 300ish. I kinda worry less about range over a couple of hundred, but want something that would give you …

Re: What do you drive?

in Milliways
Looks like I am buying a silverado EV tomorrow. Woot! Those have some impressive range IIRC. Getting 450-500 miles per charge. Charges at 350kw. Battery on 4wt version is 216kwh Towing is rated at 10k lbs. but it could probably do a fair amount more if you were feeling squirrley. The truck has 225? …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
Confession. I mostly play around with my retro computers for a while and grow tired after a while and leave them standing around. Maybe play a game on them once a year but it is getting more seldom. I think it has to do with my repair work is in the same room and i don't have time to finish it so I …

Re: Retro confessions. What are yours?

in Milliways
The first retro computer I bought is one that I remember well in computer stores, but never owned, and didn't want because it was everything I hated. Almost everything is proprietary and it has no extra drive bays and few slots. But it seemed nobody wanted it on eBay and I remembered seeing them …

Re: FPM or EDO

jakethompson1 wrote on 2024-06-02, 17:09: 4 MB SIMMs would have been extremely expensive when 386 systems were current, and 16 MB is a lot of memory for a 386. Oh I know. I didn't get past 4MB until I got a 486. My computer teacher in high school got a very early Pentium with 16MB and I just …

Re: FPM or EDO

I call bs on that. Just looked up "30 pin EDO SIMM" on eBay and got a pile of hits. But... The first five that had legible chip codes showed: "16MB 30pin SIMM RAM MEMORY 60ns EDO with non-Parirty 16x8 30p" HYB514100 4M x 1-Bit Dynamic RAM with Fast Page Mode "16MB 30pin RAM MEMORY SIMM 60ns EDO …

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